

StreetARToronto (StART) is a collection of programs initiated in 2012 as part of the City’s Graffiti Management Plan aiming to replace vandalism with community-engaged street art. More information is available from the links and presentation below.

More About StART

StART Presentation

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StART Artist Directory

Local Toronto artists working on graffiti and street art projects can be found in a database created as part of the StART program. The directory aims to foster connections between artists and organizations to facilitate projects in the community.

Artist Directory

Graffiti Alley

Graffiti Alley runs for three blocks in Toronto’s Fashion District and contains some of the City’s most vibrant murals and street art. Previously a site of unsanctioned art, the fight for legalization by the Queen Street West Business Improveent Association lead to the creation of StART.

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